3561 Felsőzsolca, Bartók Béla u 63. Tel.: 06 46/383-822


We can also perform concrete cutting with diamond wire besides the more widespread diamond disk technology. We can apply this solution at places where we cannot produce the desired cutting depth with the diamond disk and where the part to be cut is less accessible.


Advantages of the technology:

- the length of the cable can be extended, so there is no size limits.

- it can be applied perfectly at less accessible places

- fast

- precise

- no dust formation

- no need for finishing

- no cracks

- Tisza Bridge (Polgár): Demolition


- Mária Valéria Bridge (Esztergom-Párkány): Restructurings


- Sajó Bridge (Sajókaza): Demolition works


- Petőfi Bridge (Győr): Reconstruction works of the structures


- Bridge construction works (Cigánd): Removing of flood area garden piles


- Restructuring works of the overpass over the M3 motorway towards Vác.


- Kígyós-stream Bridge (Nyírád): Renewal works on the public road nr. 7317


- M30 (Felsőzsolca): Reconstruction works of the circulatory overpass structure


- Railway bridge (Nyékládháza): Bridge demolition above operating high voltage railway track

 Customer: VIADOM ZRT.


- 6 bridge renewals, demolition of edges and other superstructures on the main road nr. 35

 Customer: KÖTEK RT.


- Demolition and reparation of bridge supports on the Tisza Bridge of the M3 motorway

 Customer: MAHÍD Rt.


- Demolition of the Kadarcs-stream Bridge

 Customer: Betonplasztika Kft.


- Arany-stream (Nagycenk): Pile head demolition works

 Customer: STRABAG Zrt.


- Reconstruction works of the Perje-stream Bridge on the main road nr. 4

 Customer: POLÁR –HUSZ Kft.


- Hernád Bridge on the main road nr. 37 (Gesztely): Demolition of bridge superstructure

 Customer: ADEPTUS Zrt


- Vájás-canal Bridge (Győrtelek): Demolition works

 Customer: Mértan Kft.


Cable cutting works of the railway overpass in Szár

 Customer: Mértan Kft.


Rope cutting works of the piers of the North railway Danube Bridge

 Customer: POLÁR-HUSZ Kft., Hídépítő Zrt.


- Pier reconstruction of the Kapos Bridge in Döbrököz

 Customer: Közgép Zrt.


- Liberty Bridge (Budapest): Partial demolition works

 Customer: Bécsi 70 Kft.

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