The concrete cutting is performed with vibration-free diamond technology.
Advantages of the technology:
- fast
- precise
- no dust formation
- no need for finishing
- smooth cut surface
- no cracks
Concrete cutting with floor saw machine
With floor saw machine we perform the cutting of concrete covering, concrete subbase, asphalt, floor and dilatation. Max. cutting depth is 35 cm.
Concrete cutting with wall saw machine:
The rail guided wall saw machine is suitable for wall cutting and the accurate cutting of the openings. Since the cutting head moves on a fixed rail, this technology makes possible the most accurate concrete cutting. For this procedure industrial current is required, but if there is no appropriate current on-site we can provide an aggregator for it. The biggest cutting depth of the wall saw machine is 65 cm.
Concrete cutting with manual concrete cutting equipment:
Manual concrete cutting is a technology applied in the case of softer concrete, brick or other building material. Cutting can be performed either by dry or wet cutting machine. The maximum cutting depth with dry machine is 13 cm, and with wet machine is 25 cm.
- ALDI (Budapest): concrete cutting
- Borsodi Brewery (Bőcs): wall cutting
Customer: Imex Szerviztechnika Kft.
- Edelény Castle (Edelény): Reconstruction, drilling works
Customer: FK-Raszter
-Sw-Umwelttechnik (Majosháza): Disintegrating cuts of the finished products
- Gerbeaud (Budapest): Reinforced concrete cuttings, concrete drillings
Customer: PerBau Kft.
- Szécsény - Mill: Drillings, demolitions
Customer: Mart Kft.
-Decathlon (Miskolc): Reconstruction of road and other public utility
Customer: Arcadom Zrt.
- Hell Energy (Szikszó): Drillings
Customer: Duktil Kft.
- Soot plant (Tiszaújváros): Floor cutting
Customer: Tiszai Gyárfenntartó Kft.
- Megyaszó-Mag Kft.: Beam cuttings
- Szatmár - Mill (Jászberény): Cutting building engineering spans on the floor
Customer: Szatmári Malom Kft.
- Railway station (Kálkápolna): Reinforced concrete drillings
Customer: Dam-Bau Kft.
Drilling of utility tunnels (Miskolc)
Customer: Axxon-Duo Kft.
- Pellet plant (Tiszaújváros): Concrete cutting
Customer: Ekofire Kft.
- Veres Péter Secondary and Vocational School (Balmazújváros): Drillings
Customer: Hajdúép. Kft.
- County Hospital (Miskolc): Drilling works
Customer: MPS Studio Bt.
- CORA (Miskolc): Placing of water main, cutting and substitution of floor covering
- VOLVO (Polgár): Drilling of rainwater overlifting shaft
Customer: Bau-Vill ÉpKer Kft.
- Sewage plant (Miskolc): Drillings
Customer: AVM Kft.
- Dairy farm (Miskolc): Floor drillings
Customer: Minna Tejipari Zrt.
- Fux Zrt. (Miskolc): Making openings at the seat
- TESCO (Tiszafüred): Cutting of panels
Customer: FK-Raszter
- Tisza Bridge (Vásárosnamény): Pier drillings
Customer: Pont-Terv Zrt.
- MOL (Hajdúszoboszló): Drillings
Customer: R&N 2003 Bt.
- Kemény Dénes swimming pool (Miskolc): Drillings
Customer: Polip Kft.
- Glass factory (Orosháza): Chamfering
Customer: Kis Szerelő Kft.
- K&H Bank (Sajóbábony): Drillings
Customer: Jánosik és társai Kft.
-D&D Drótáru (Miskolc): Concrete drillings
Customer: N&L Technoterm
- Holcim (Miskolc): Concrete drillings in the Hejőscsaba factory
Customer: Lanaxis
- ALDI (Hatvan): Concrete cuttings and drillings
Customer: Strabag
-S.C. Kesz S.R.L. (Brasov): Concrete cuttings and drillings
- Grindstone plant (Sárospatak): Drillings
- Water treatment plant (Eger): Drillings
Customer: Heves County Waterworks
- MEK (Miskolc): Drillings at the Obstetrics - Gynecology Department
Customer: FK Raszter
- Michelin (Nyíregyháza): Concrete panel cutting, pier cuttings, chamfering, floor cutting
Customer: I-Controll Kft.
Line 4 (Budapest Metro): Concrete cutting
Customer: Mahíd 2000 Zrt.
- College of Nyíregyháza (Nyíregyháza): Reinforced concrete drillings
Customer: Kraftszer Épületgépészeti Kft.
- Waste incinerator (Budapest): Floor drillings
Customer: Panta Rhei Kft.
- Biomass power plant (Szakoly): Concrete drillings
Customer: Vegyépszer Zrt.
- Lurdy Ház (Budapest): Demolition of the reinforced concrete goods lift shaft
Customer: Lakóház- Építő Kft.
- Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital (Budapest): Demolition of the elevator shaft
Customer: Schindler Hungária Kft.